So I do realize I have been totally MIA for, well, over two months. I've had a lot going on....which I will blog about soon. But there's also been a lack of inspiration as well. I knew that, eventually, something would really strike me as something to blog about and share and "journal". Well, that moment happened this weekend. The family and I traveled to Asheville, NC over President's Day weekend. Warm weather was scheduled and Asheville is an outdoorsy kind of place. I did some research and discovered the Western North Carolina Nature Center. We headed there on Sunday. Our visit was quite uneventful until the last few minutes. On the way out the door, a little trio of peacocks crossed our path. One male and two females.....
Now I've had the pleasure of seeing several peacocks in my lifetime. But I guess never in Springtime (or almost Springtime!) and maybe I'd never seen a male in the presence of females in almost Springtime. He came sauntering across the path and I was amazed and so happy that Sophie would get to see a male peacock with all those glorious feathers. I immediately started taking photos....
I was so thrilled.....but I wasn't expecting for anything more to happen....when suddenly....
I couldn't believe our luck. This guy was on FULL display for these two lucky ladies. And he was really magnificent. His colors were so vibrant and, of course, his "eye feathers" were all perfectly geometrically spaced. He worked SO could just see the energy it took for him to put on this show. And Sophie? She was as quiet as a mouse.....which NEVER EVER happens. She was could see it on her face.
My favorite part? The two ladies were totally nonchalant. They moseyed around the courtyard trying to get away from him. It's almost like they didn't notice what he was doing. Even when he shuddered to really show off this skills. Even when the wind came along and almost blew the poor guy over!!! It was so classic....
Even after all of that, we didn't get to see any "action". But I'm really rooting for the guy. Based on what I saw, it won't be long before he finds success with one of those beautiful ladies. And I told Alain we might have to venture back to the museum in a few months to see if we can visit a baby chick or two. Now that would really be something!!!