In continuation of our annual tradition, below is Sophie's five year old interview. My questions are in bold and any explanation by me is in parentheses.
What's your name? Sophie
How old are you? Five
What's your favorite color? Green
What's your favorite food? Mac & Cheese and Cucumbers
Who are your favorite friends? Rex and Davis
What is your favorite thing to play? With the baby sister

What's your favorite animal? Funshine (formerly Blue Man, her stuffed blue elephant)
If you could hop on a plane and go anywhere in the world, where would you go? New York City
Do you have a favorite letter? N, R and D. Is there any reason in particular you like those letters? Yes, my favorite friends start with those letters. (Nathan, Rex and Davis)
What's your favorite number? 7, 4 and 5
Do you like school? Yes, a little bit.
What's your favorite book? Where's Waldo is my favorite "find book". And Ladybug Girl Goes to the Beach
What's your favorite word? duck
What's your favorite song? Party in the U.S.A.
What's your favorite thing to do? Watch the baby sister play.
What makes you happy? Ice cream
What would you like to be when you grow up? A doctor and a veterinarian, to take care of pets and people, even kids.

When you close your eyes, what do you see? My drawer (points to her bedroom at the beach), the one with all of the clothes.
In typical Sophie fashion, she asked to add some of her own questions. Her questions and answers are below:
What is your favorite pet? Dog, hamster, bunny and cat
What is your favorite treat? Ice cream
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