Wednesday, March 20, 2013

For The Love of Harry!

Those of you who have been around for a while are familiar with Harry.

He's very active these days.  Singing. Fluttering around. I can't look out a back window without seeing him. One day I reached for the camera and took these two photos of Harry from my kitchen sink window.  And I had to share them because, well, I just love Harry.  He makes me so happy!

PS ~ I've often written about Harry and how Sophie calls him my friend.  Over the years, when we saw Harry away from home, Sophie would get really excited.  She'd often say, "Mommy, there's your friend" and I'd reply that Harry likes to follow us when we go places.  I always wondered how long she would truly believe this.  Earlier this week, we saw a cardinal while we were sitting in the carpool line, dropping Sophie off at school.  Soph screamed out, "Mommy, there's Harry, in that tree over there."  When I saw him, I smiled and said to both girls, "Harry is such a sweet guy.  He followed us to school to make sure we arrived okay."  I wish you could have seen the look Sophie gave me.  She had a twinkle in her eye and a mischievous little smile on her face.  It was TOTALLY clear that she now knows and she's carrying on this little secret so her little sister can also experience a little bit of Harry's magic!!!!!  


  1. How WONDERFUL is your little Sophie! Reminds me of my older sister, who figured out Santa Claus at a VERY young age but never spoiled my fun believing in him TOTALLY!
    And you know I love your cardinal (cardinals)!

    1. That is so sweet, Kay! I always wanted an older sister.....or a younger one, for that matter! Any sister would do!!! (smile)

  2. Aww he's so cute, i like this bird. Good to see and read your blog to.

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    1. Samantha, thanks for visiting and taking the time to leave a comment!!!


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