Monday, September 23, 2013

The Lure of Sunflowers....

On this particular day, there was something about this patch of sunflowers that made me drive to the next exit of the highway, turn around, drive back several miles and turn around again.  All I knew is that I had to take some photos of these sunflowers. They just spoke to me.


Sunflowers are so beautiful and the sight of so many just lifts my heart. Yet there's also something sad about them.  The sun is shining so brightly and yet they struggle to lift their faces completely.  This is what drew me to them today.  I love these pictures....

(Kudos to the NC Wildflower Program ~ this stretch of highway is overwhelming in its beauty!)

PS ~ I've loved many of my header photos over the years but I think this one just might take the cake for me.  It's going to take me a LONG time to replace it!


  1. Oh my goodness Audrey what a breathtaking sight this must have been. Wow. I hope you have a beautiful day :)

    1. Thanks, Keith! It's it's almost always beautiful! Hope you're having a good one as well...

  2. Audrey, these sunflowers are gorgeous! I turn around and go back for photos too! I love that you do that! The photos of the sunflower faces turned away is so cool, because you rarely see them photographed from that perspective! Have a good one! *hugs*

    1. Hi Louise! So glad you noticed the one with the faces turned away. I looked up from my "squat" and thought the backsides looked really cool. So glad I took that's rare to see that side! Thanks for your visit!!!

  3. Oh my gosh, these photos are so beautiful, Audrey. And I LOVE your header photo - just perfect. I smiled thinking of you turning your car around in order to get some photos of these beauties. I would have done the same thing! The light on them was just stunning - how could you resist?

    1. Hi Deb! You know, I was concerned the lighting might be horrible because it was the middle of the afternoon......but I really like how they turned out. And I knew you'd be the type to turn around for the "Kodak Moment"!!! XOXO


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