One of the top items on my Winter Bucket List was to take Sophie for Tea Time at The Ploughcroft Tea Room in Lynchburg.

It gave me a chance to use one of my favorite gifts......a gift certificate to the tea room.
Thanks Mom & Dad!
I spent my entire pre-college life in Lynchburg and I know it very well. It pleases me to no end to see what an awesome job is being done in revitalizing the Downtown area. Every time I see the storefront of the tea room with the Union Jack flying proudly, it makes me smile.

We told Sophie she could order whatever she wanted and she chose the butterfly-shaped PB&J sandwich with fruit. It came with a juice box but I am happy to report that Sophie drank plenty of her Earl Grey tea as well.

Meanwhile, Alain and I ordered the Victorian Tea which came with this three-tiered platter of yummy goodness. Just the sight of those scones is making me drool. For the record, I did ask for more devon cream this time and, I am sad to report, I finished that second little tub as well. It's hard to control myself where devon cream is concerned. Ever heard the saying, "A moment on the lips forever on the hips!"? Well, let's just say that my hips wear those devon cream moments proudly. Also, Alain and I were totally smitten with the homemade shortbread. It was like little bites of heaven. Seriously.

We let Sophie choose where to sit and she did so based on the tea cup she liked best. She chose this holly rimmed one and wanted to show if off.

After we finished eating Sophie circled the restaurant to check out the tea cups on each table. She did some dances around the restaurant as well but, for some reason, the pictures I took turned out blurry. No worries.... we were the only ones in the restaurant at that time.....although it was short lived.....there were a number of tables filled the entire rest of the time we were there.
Our tea time with Sophie was lovely and she reported several times while there that she was having so much fun. Makes me smile every time I think about it!
Needless to say, we look forward to our next visit....
PS ~ Hi Shelby!
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