I've made no secret of my addiction to Pinterest. If someone were to ask me what my greatest source of inspiration is I'd have to say Pinterest. Ben, the guy who invented the site, is genius. I recently checked my boards to see what was up and WHAT? I had to check several times. Yes, my Party Inspiration board has over 2,200 followers. Several of my boards do. I get about 10-15 new followers each day. The last time I checked the number was around 200 or so. Every once in a while I look around to see which pins o' mine are capturing other people's interests. On my boards, hands down, it's this image.....

At this moment in time, it's been repinned 262 times and has 24 likes. I pinned this over a year ago from Amy Atlas' blog. She originally found the project in Family Fun. Almost all of the repins have occurred in the last month or so. Makes me wonder what suddenly happened to make others take notice of this particular pin. Aaahhh, the wonders of social media!
The second most popular pin is this one....

A very pink and pretty baby shower that I originally found on Style Me Pretty. Currently it's been repinned 164 times and has 14 likes. It's also over a year old but has been repinned pretty consistently over that time period.
When it comes to Pinterest, I know exactly which of my friends and family use the site. It's often the topic of conversation when we're together. I love to pin something specifically for one of my followers. And I love when someone repins and thanks me for the idea (Hi Mariel!). Actually, it's thanks to a pin from Mariel a few days ago that I discovered Clara's Valentine's Day present (via Uncommon Goods)....

I also found Sophie's Valentine's Day present via Pinterest....

Believe me, as precious as this print is in this copied image, it's many times more so in person. I am now a devoted follower of Lori's at Fresh Picked Whimsy. This won't be the last time I make a purchase from her adorable, delicious little shop. Her blog is great too.
My mother-in-law started using Pinterest about five months ago. When we were on the phone one day I asked her about it and she said, "Pinterest has changed my life". It made me laugh at first. I guess because it tickled my soul. Amen, Cristina. Amen. You and me both!
*** smile ***
PS ~ If you're so inclined, you can follow my Pinterest boards here.
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