Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Signs Of Love Are Everywhere!

You just have to know where to look.


  1. I heart this post!
    And I also wanted to tell you how much I loved your photos from the nature preserve and I am glad that you have found it!
    Tell me if you know this one: A mushroom walks into a bar and says "Drinks are on me, drinks for everyone!". The bartender says, "Well, hey, that's nice, why are you doing this? The mushroom replies, "Because I am just a FUN-GUY" (fungi) HA HA! (Of course, there will be the serious folks who will say that it should be fungus in singular, but you don't really want to know those people, do you?) :-)

    1. That is AWESOME! Glad to know you're a total cheeseball, like myself. So cute. And of course I don't want to know those people ~ they're no fun!!!

  2. O lovely.. I especially like the second last photo; it seems to capture the tender resilience of love, the fact that "love endures all things".

    1. Funny, that one is also my favorite. It's OLD LOVE....worn and battered, with tears and bruises....but still totally beautiful!!!!


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