Things have been so crazy lately....going to NYC, executing all the plans for Sophie's birthday, heading to the beach, a five-party weekend....whew....we've been moving fast around here. Now that we're starting to have some time to breathe, I find myself reflecting on the past four years, since a lovely little being named Sophie entered our lives.

Hanging with Hubbs the day before Soph entered the world.
As with all parents, it's hard to believe that our sweet little girl is already four. What happened to the time? Where did it go? I think we all have a specific child age in mind when we imagine having children and being parents. For me, Sophie's coming into the age that always filled my dreams.
How would I describe our daughter? Inquisitive, curious, imaginative, independent, needs to be constantly challenged, sensitive and, at the moment, she's firmly ensconced in the question phase. The other day she asked me why dinosaurs also poop. I asked, "how do you know dinosaurs poop". She responded that she'd seen it. Hmmm. "What did it look like" asked this very curious Mom. Like big green balls. Hmmmm, it must've been a vegetarian dinosaur then, I told her. Our conversations are very much like this nowadays. And it's so much fun!!!
Sophie, admiring her 4th Birthday Cake
Yesterday we were riding in the car, on the way home from a party, and she said to me, "Mommy, you're always happy". Well, I can't imagine a greater compliment coming from anyone but it was especially nice coming from my own child. Of course, for her, it's just an observation. For me, it just made my heart warm, snuggly and happy. I love the brutal honesty that kids have at this age, the ability to say whatever they're thinking & feeling. I hope she can hold onto that for as long as possible. The one thing I know for sure is that I'll be enjoying it for as long as I can....
Being at five parties this past weekend, most of those for Soph's school friends, I had a unique opportunity to speak to other parents at length. The one characteristic our daughter possesses that other people mentioned most often is her fierce independence. I remember being pregnant....rubbing my belly....and wishing for my child to be independent. Well, it appears I got my wish. It's the second most obvious trait she picked up from Mom (after her dreamy blue eyes). It makes me happy and I just hope this independence serves her well in life. In this phase of her life, it just makes parenting her a little more difficult. I thought she'd grow out of the "I'll do it myself" phase but not so much.
Sophie, at age three
Being four, Soph is also starting to share interests with both of us. For me, I ADORE singing and dancing with her. She also LOVES music and it appears we share similar tastes. Think Party in the U.S.A. (can't believe I just admitted that!), Empire State of Mind, Hey Soul Sister. Also, one of our new favorite pastimes is playing Candy Land and Chutes & Ladders.....two of my most favorite games when I was little. So these days when we have fun it's actually on both of our parts. How nice to finally get here!!!
Soph has also started writing. She loves to spend time writing her name and asking us to spell words so she can write them out. Can you hear my heart pitter-pattering? This is just the first step that leads to reading. I love to just sit with her and write things.
Soph's Writing
The other day Sophie told me that she wants to be a builder when she grows up. When I asked what type of builder she said she wants to make buildings. So we often discuss what type of building we'd create if we could. Could she also be a dreamer? I think yes. I think I lucked out on that one....
This beautiful little soul. It almost killed me but She made her way into this world with her (very large) eyes WIDE OPEN......still to this day the most alert newborn I've ever seen/met. I can still clearly recall how she'd look all around the hospital rooms and stare at all the people who came to visit her. This tiny little newborn.....laying with limbs all akimbo under the bilirubin lights.....shades on.....soaking in as much as she could, whatever life had to offer. From then until now, she hasn't changed much....just growing more into that alert nature.....full of curiosity.....and fiercely independent. With crazy wild curls and those killer blue eyes. Four years old. Unbelievable.
Our alert baby girl.
Sophie, you are the sunshine in my small little sky....shining, blinding, warming my heart, body, mind and soul. I love you, Goose.
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