Monday, October 4, 2010

A Weekend Respite With The Family

After all the "camp talk" going on in our house lately, we had a great idea this past weekend. Let's camp out in our backyard ~ it'll be good practice for Sophie before we take her out in the woods.

So let's just say that there was a small snafu with our tent and it ended up in a jumbled up pile in the yard. Well, who needs a tent? We decided to enjoy a camping night anyway.

We pulled out the use in lieu of a fire pit....collected some sticks and paper.....brought out all the s'more goodies....played some great tunes...and had an awesome time.

The whole family joined in on the fun. Sophie made sure all of her animals had a place to sit by the fire....

Later, our sweet little muffin ended up falling asleep in one of our sleeping bags. Hubbell stayed curled up at the end of the sleeping bag keeping watch over "his girl".

Kenzie hopped up on the lounge chair and snuggled with me. LOVE this schnoz shot of her. She is just too delicious....

Mom & Dad (aka Audrey & Alain)....well, they hung out drinking wine and sitting mesmerized by the fire until about 1:00 in the morning.

It was a perfect, perfect night.

I really love my family.

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