Monday, August 27, 2012

Iggy Pop

As you can imagine, some days are okay and other are just so damned hard.  I have my own emotional days when I miss Ygal so much that I feel sure my heart might break in half.  I have so much I'd like to share with him. It's excruciating.  YET I know it's nothing compared to what Alain is going through.  It's hard to see someone you love so much in so much pain, with hurt so strong it's reflected in his eyes.  Alain doesn't have to say a word for me to know he's having a tough day.  There have been a few lately so I wanted to post this photo.....for Alain.  It's such a beautiful one and I just hope that, wherever Ygal might be, he knows how very much his oldest brother loves and misses him.  

PS ~ Sorry this post is so late.  I was running low on digital photos so I had to dig into the archives of hard copy photos. Our scanner is not friendly to those of us not technologically inclined (okay okay, me) so I had to find time to go to Target and scan the photos. Then I had to wait a day for the CD to be ready and picked up.  Won't happen again!  Hopefully.


  1. This is a great photo! Where are they in this photo, it must be in Europe.
    You know, you can make the photos bigger on your post if you want to. I didn't know how to when I first started, but when you have your photo on your blog, just click on the photo and look at the top and you can make it extra large if you want to, and you know I usually do!

    1. I always loved this photo ~ it's so sweet ~ but I especially love it now. Thank you for the tip ~ I often try the "extra large" size but then my photo bleeds over into my "margins" and I am much too anal for that. HA! I wish I'd zoomed in on this photo while I was scanning (if that's possible) but I couldn't do it after I got the CD. Anyway, this photo was taken in Switzerland ~ in a small village called Buonas. It's very close to the town Alain and I used to live in and where Alain's family lives. It's beautiful, of course!

  2. Replies
    1. Wish we could be together ~ I love you, too!


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