Yes, this is another World Cup post. But, breathe easy, it's probably my last. I am a very loyal US fan. Now that they are out of the running, I may watch a game or two but it won't be with the same fervor. I can't just switch gears and root for someone else's team. I will back Argentina because that will mean my family will be happy. And I will root for anyone that plays against Germany or Brazil. But my heart won't be in it.
Nonetheless, we really lived it up and enjoyed the U.S.'s biggest game in US soccer in 80 years. I had a blast and I think Alain and my dear friend, Barb, did as well. I was very excited and nervous and so drank cinco margaritas. Yes, that is uno margarita too much for me, my lovelies. I am still not feeling like myself. But who cares. This was a very special occasion. Here are some of the photos to prove it. These were WAY TOO GOOD not to share. They all make me smile.
Yes, I actually got Alain to wear U.S. gear....and, I must say, he wears it well!!!

Like I said, cinco margaritas....

Sophie stopped in for the last 10-15 minutes or action....or rather inaction.

My favorite photo from the weekend World Cup festivities? This one. Me, dressed as "Memo", the Mexican player with the crazy hair (something I can relate to), and Jean, our dear Mexican friend. He was kind enough to invite fans for the opposing team over to watch the game.

Note To Howie: Tim, I'll be following you over the next few years. You'll be about 35 years old during the next World Cup. That's not too old for you, you courageous lion. I'm just sayin'....