I am hard at work on My Nesting List. Hard at it. I'd say the item that gives me the most heartburn (which I have plenty of these days, believe me!) is the nursery. We've been using this spare bedroom as a storage unit for the last year or so. Well, cleaning it out is NOT FUN. But I'm tackling tiny little bits at a time and I finally feel like I'm getting somewhere. There's still much left to do though....
Honestly, creating a nursery is one of my absolute favorite parts of having a baby. I had so many ideas for this nursery that it's taken a long time to decide which way to go. I even debated orange walls with a transportation theme, inspired by Dwell Studio's Transportation pattern.

That didn't go well with all of the nursery furniture, bedding, etc that we have so I had to tone down my vision. Sophie's nursery/room is green and blue (we didn't know the gender before she was born) so everything we have is green and blue. SO, in the end, this nursery will have light blue walls (still debating the exact shade) with all sorts of pink (yes, pink, can you believe it?) and green accessories. I started creating an inspiration board and I add little bits to it as I find them. It's actually been quite helpful.
I've made three (small) purchases thus far to decorate the nursery. This baby girl is inheriting Sophie's old dresser/changing table. Maybe it's because I'm the oldest child (by almost seven years) but I don't want for Baby Numero Dos to have hand-me-down everything. So, inspired by this photo in the Pottery Barn Kids catalog, I made a quick trip to Anthro and picked up loads of new knobs to try out on the dresser. Hand-me-down dresser, yes. But spiced up a little bit. In the end, I decided on some light pink glass flower knobs. I just put them on today and they really are sweet....
Dresser Before
Dresser After
(due to my Type A personality, I was somewhat annoyed at the slight differences in the glass color of each knob. I'm trying really hard to let it go....)
Close-Up of New Knobs
As with Sophie's room, this nursery will also have a strong bird theme. I guess I just love birds. Recently, I stopped by a local antique store and picked up this "vintage" birdcage. It's so adorable. I'll paint it some shade of pink and then hang it once the room is painted.
Lastly, I picked up this sign to hang in her room.....and I'm hoping to do a collage above the changing table with this sweet little sign in the mix.
After putting all of this together today, I started to get really excited. I look forward to the day when it's all complete and the nursery's new inhabitant is all snuggled up and cozy in her sweet little cocoon.
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