At first glance, nothing. It's very sweet.....Clara and Daddy snuggling....

But wait, shouldn't it be the other way around? Well yes, especially in the middle of the afternoon when this picture was taken. Clara's reflux continues to haunt us. It's been a VERY rough few nights. As you can see, we'll catch a wink whenever, wherever, however we can get it. Last night, I slept two hours. Luckily, Alain woke up at 6:30 this morning and I got to have another two hour nap. Whew. Times is tough, my friends. But thank goodness this is my second child and I can keep reminding myself that it won't last forever....
We still love you to pieces, Clara Boo. Even if you don't seem to value sleep as much as the rest of us....
PS ~ Years from now, if and when you see Christmas photos from 2011, please remember that I only slept two two-hour shifts the previous night. Because this sister looks K.N.A.C.K.E.R.E.D.!!!
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