Friday, May 7, 2010


So I really wasn't sure about this blogging thing. Then I read somewhere how therapeutic it is to have a journal. Back in 2008 I started writing for myself (as you can see from my second post which I probably never intended to share with anyone). This year, as I started blogging again, I realized that writing my silly little posts makes me happy. And I finally wanted to share it with other people. In the beginning I was like Jim Morrison.....I wanted to sing but not turn around and face the audience. Truthfully I wish I had more time to "blog" because I really like it. Sometimes I have a hard time going to sleep because my mind is filled with all kinds of ideas for my blog. Plus I'm also such a novice that I'm embarrassed at how piddly my blogging skills are....especially after I read some of my favorite blogs out there (which I will share sometime soon ~ once I figure out how!). I also lose sleep thinking that I might have misspelled a word and it's now "OUT THERE" for anyone in the world to see. Ridiculous I know but so it is. I'm slowly getting over that! At the very least, I'm so happy to have a small outlet for my creative energy. Lately, it's about to bust out of me. It's funny how not working and having free time (free time, what is that?) is allowing my creative juices to flow to the surface. They were buried way down deep for a long time. Working in a Financial field will definitely do that to you!!! I'm still figuring out what to do with this new found creative energy but I guess that will come in time (and gardening itself is quite creative, no?). For now I'm just thankful that I have this opportunity and I'm so glad that some of my close friends and family are able to share it with me. If it weren't for my wonderful husband working so hard I wouldn't have this opportunity either and I love him for that!!!

SO, the whole point of this post is that I wanted to share my #1, top, most favorite blog. It is truly "BLOG-A-LICIOUS"! When I happened upon it, I was so giddy. Not only does this lady have a life that I would love to have (living on a farm, being a magazine stylist, etc.), but she has exquisite taste and very similar interests to my own. I look at her blog and her images, photos, etc are instantaneous inspiration. As you all probably know, I hoard magazines. I'm pretty sure I take this after my grandmother who also has an enviable magazine collection. I save my favorite issues for YEARS and post-it my favorite articles, etc. After viewing Heather's blog, I quickly realized that she had styled one of my most favorite features EVER. It's from a Country Living magazine from March 2008. The article is called "a rather SWEET LIFE" and it's about a lady in Fredericksburg, TX who is a pastry chef with her own bakery/cafe (one of my many dreams as yet unrealized!!!). She has enough land to own animals (pig, goose, chickens, dogs, etc ~ swoon!) and grows her own herbs and veggies. Back in March 2008, Audrey was not a happy camper. I remember reading this article and drooling over the beautiful photos and wishing I had a "rather SWEET LIFE" for myself. It's one of those very small things that inspired me to take a break to reasses my life and make it sweeter (we're getting there!). Anyhoo, Heather styled this feature and I could NOT believe I just happened upon her blog which is divine. For me, it's too good not to share. I hope you have a chance to see it. It's called A DAY IN THE COUNTRY!

Lots of love and HAPPY FRIDAY to everyone!!

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